Companion Saints for the Journey 2010
As many of my readers can guess, we are fascinated with the many Holy Ones who have gone before us. I recently became aware of the tradition of choosing a patron saint to accompany one on their spiritual journey each year. It is not uncommon that a saint chooses you!
Our saint of the year is Jane Francis de Chantal. We will be praying especially for mothers this year. I was surprised when this one was given to us since for the last two weeks I have been meditating on her life.
Anyway, in order to spread this saintly devotion, our family is offering to pray to the Holy Spirit for a patron saint for you and/or your family. If you post in the comments section that you would like family or individual patron saints prayerfully chosen for you, we will ask the Holy Spirit to assign one to you and let you know. It's not too late.
When you get your saint's name, google them, find out more about them. Get a medal or a holy card or picture and post it to your refrigerator or mirror and pray daily for their intercession not only for your life but for the lives of others. God bless you.